Going Independent

At Axos Advisor Services, supporting independent advisors is our sole purpose—working with RIAs is the only thing we do.

We’re dedicated to helping ensure that your transition to independence is a smooth and successful one.

The Freedom to Thrive

Transitioning to become an independent registered investment advisor is not a journey you have to take alone. The key is having a partner like Axos Advisor Services who can advise you on key business decisions, help you formulate a technology strategy, and support you in meeting your legal and compliance requirements.

Bring your unique perspective and philosophy to your clients

Run your business your way

Directly benefit from your profits

Choose your own staff and partners

Work where you want, how you want

Grow your practice at your own pace

Become an Independent RIA

If you’re ready to go independent, Axos Advisor Services can help you realize your full potential. We provide you with the guidance and tools you need to make a successful transition:

  • A simple RIA conversion process so you can get up and running quickly.

  • Customized branding of statements, a mobile portfolio monitoring app, and a client portal.

  • An intuitive platform that simplifies asset custody, trade clearing, performance reporting, client billing, model-level trading, and much more.

  • One-to-one support from your own designated Client Service Advocate.

Join an Existing Firm

Many advisors now opt to partner with a firm that specializes in providing a home for RIAs. You can offload the operational, compliance, and accounting processes, while enjoying the freedom of running your business your way.

Axos Advisor Services can help you connect with an established partner who is well suited to your particular needs and goals.

Let’s Talk About What We Can Do For Your Business

Call us at 866-776-0218 or complete a request for more information.